What Types of Content Drive Traffic?

published on 04 March 2024

Looking to boost website traffic? Discover the most effective content types: blog posts, videos, infographics, how-to guides, list posts, and case studies. Each has unique benefits for engaging audiences, SEO, and cost-effectiveness.

Quick Overview:

  • Videos & Infographics: Great for engagement and social shares but can be costly.
  • Blog Posts & How-To Guides: Excellent for SEO and providing value.
  • Case Studies: Build trust by showcasing real success stories.
  • List Posts: Offer easily digestible information that's perfect for social sharing.

Quick Comparison

Content Type Engagement SEO Value Production Cost User Accessibility
Blog Posts High High Low High
Videos Very High Medium High Medium
Infographics High Low Medium Medium
How-To Guides Medium High Low to Medium High
List Posts High Medium Low High
Case Studies Medium Medium Medium to High Medium

By understanding the strengths and limitations of each content type, you can better tailor your content strategy to meet your audience's needs and maximize your website's traffic potential.

Reaching More Visitor Personas

Different folks like to learn in different ways. For instance:

  • Blog posts and articles are great for those who want quick and easy info.
  • Ebooks and guides are perfect for people looking for a deep dive into a topic.
  • Webinars are for those who enjoy live and interactive learning.
  • Videos are best for those who prefer watching over reading.

By offering a mix, you're more likely to catch the eye of different types of visitors.

Keeping Visitors Engaged

If your website only has one type of content, people might get bored or overwhelmed. Mixing things up gives visitors the choice to pick what they like best, keeping them interested and on your site for longer.

Demonstrating Thought Leadership

When you have a bunch of different, quality content, it shows you know your stuff in more than one area. This makes people trust you more as a go-to source for information.

Optimizing for Buyer's Journey Stages

People need different information depending on where they are in deciding to buy something. For example:

  • Awareness stage - Blog posts and videos to show them what the problem is.
  • Consideration stage - Ebooks, guides, and webinars to help them think about solutions.
  • Decision stage - Case studies and expert interviews to help them choose.

Having the right type of content for each stage helps guide visitors towards buying.


In short, having a variety of content:

  • Reaches more types of visitors
  • Keeps people interested in your site
  • Shows off your expertise
  • Matches content to where people are in their buying journey

This means more people visiting your site, sticking around, and eventually, more customers. A good mix of content has something for everyone.

Comparative Analysis of Content Types

1. Blog Posts

Engagement Level

Blog posts usually get a fair amount of attention. If you write interesting and helpful blog posts, people will likely share them, talk about them, and come back to read more. But how much people interact with a blog post can change a lot based on what it's about, how well it's written, how you spread the word about it, and other factors. Compared to simpler content, blog posts often get more people involved, but not as much as things like webinars or videos that invite more participation.

Production Cost

Making blog posts doesn't cost much, especially when you compare them to other types of content. You mainly need to write the text, which can be done pretty quickly by someone who knows how to write well. You might add a few pictures or other media to make the post more engaging, but that's about it. So, blog posts are a cost-effective way to share information.

SEO Value

Blog posts are great for SEO, which means they're good at making sure people find your content through search engines like Google. This is because you can use your target words naturally in the text, which helps search engines understand and rank your content. You can also use special titles, descriptions, and links that make your post even more likely to show up in search results. Keeping your blog updated with new posts on topics people care about can help more people find your website.

User Accessibility

Blog posts are easy for almost anyone to get into. They work well on any device and are simple to read and understand. You can use headings, lists, and special formatting to help readers find the most important parts quickly. People can also sign up to get new posts through email or RSS feeds, which means they can get your latest content without having to look for it. Plus, text-based content is easier for people with disabilities to access. So, blog posts make it easy for everyone to get the information they need.

2. Videos

Engagement Level

Videos are really good at keeping people interested, especially if they're short and to the point. People like to watch and share videos a lot more than they do with other types of content. But, it's worth noting that videos might not get clicked on as much as articles because they take more effort to watch.

Production Cost

Making videos that look good can be pricey. You need at least a good camera and some software to edit your videos. If you bring in experts like videographers or animators, the costs can go up quickly.

Expect to spend between $500 to $1500 for a simple animated video. If you want a video with real people and custom shots, it could cost you $2,000 to $10,000 or even more. Making videos regularly also means spending time and money consistently.

SEO Value

Videos can help your website show up more in search results, but there are some limits. Google usually prefers text over videos.

You can make your videos more search-friendly by using the right keywords in your video titles, descriptions, and transcripts. But, articles about the same topic might still rank higher than your videos.

User Accessibility

Videos work well on most devices these days, but if someone's internet is slow, they might have trouble watching them. Also, for people who are hard of hearing, you'll need captions or a transcript.

Some people would rather quickly look through text than watch a video. Since everyone's different, offering a text version can help make sure everyone can access your content.

3. Infographics

Engagement Level

Infographics are really good at grabbing people's attention because they use pictures and designs to explain things. They can turn a complicated topic into something easy and fun to look at. Studies show that people are more likely to like and share infographics on social media than other types of posts.

But, an infographic needs to be interesting and easy to understand. If it's boring or confusing, people won't pay much attention to it.

Production Cost

You can make simple infographics for free with online tools like Canva. But, if you want something special that no one else has, it might cost you $200 to $800 if you hire a professional designer.

The more detailed and fancy you want your infographic, the more it will cost, sometimes even more than $2,000. If you're just updating an old one with new information, it's cheaper than making a new one from scratch.

SEO Value

Infographics can help your website get noticed if you use keywords in the title, alt text, captions, and a written explanation. But, because search engines like Google prefer text over pictures, infographics usually don't rank as high as articles.

They're great for getting people to share your content, but not the best for getting to the top of search results.

User Accessibility

Make sure your infographics look good on phones and tablets. You can also help people who use screen readers by adding descriptions and a text version of the information.

Still, since infographics rely a lot on pictures, they might be hard for people with visual impairments to understand. Providing the same information in a text format can make it easier for everyone to get.

4. How-To Guides

Engagement Level

How-to guides are pretty good at keeping the attention of people who really need them. If someone's trying to figure something out, they'll likely stick around and read these guides. But, these guides might not catch the eye of someone who's just looking around.

They need more time and effort to read through than something quick like a video. So, whether people really get into them depends on if the guide is what they're looking for.

Production Cost

Simple how-to guides don't cost much to make. You just need some text and a few pictures. But if you want to add fancy graphics or videos, it'll cost more.

You might spend about $200-500 for a guide that's written well and has normal pictures. If you go for custom drawings or animations, the price can jump to $800 or more. And if the topic's really detailed, you'll have to pay more for the research and writing.

SEO Value

How-to guides are great for SEO, which helps people find your content through search engines. They're long and full of specific keywords, which search engines love. Adding clear headings, descriptions, and links makes them even better for SEO.

Since these guides are all about solving specific problems, they do a great job of matching what people are searching for. This means they often show up high in search results.

User Accessibility

How-to guides are easy for most people to use. They're just text, so they work on any device and can be read by screen readers for people with vision problems.

Making them easy to scan with lots of space, headings, and bullet points helps. Adding pictures or videos can also help people who like to see things visually. And offering a downloadable PDF means people can read it even when they're not online.

In short, how-to guides are handy because people can use them whenever they need to figure something out. They're good for different ways people like to learn.

5. List Posts

Engagement Level

List posts are popular because they make information easy to look at quickly. You can glance over a list and quickly find what you're interested in. They're also great for sharing on social media because people like to share specific points that catch their eye.

But, not everyone loves list posts. Some people think they're too simple and don't go deep enough into topics. So, whether someone likes a list post can depend on what they're looking for at the moment.

Production Cost

Making a list post doesn't cost much. You need to spend some time finding things to include in your list and writing a bit about each one. Adding pictures might make it a bit more expensive.

Here's what you might spend on making a list post:

  • Research time: 2-4 hours
  • Writing and editing: 1-3 hours
  • Basic pictures: $0-50

So, making a simple list post could cost you around $100-300 if you're paying someone to do it, plus a little extra for pictures.

SEO Value

List posts can be pretty good for SEO if you do it right. Make sure to use keywords in your title, the descriptions of each item, and in the meta description.

But because they're short, they might not rank as high as longer articles. Linking to more detailed content can help.

User Accessibility

List posts are easy for everyone to get into. They're perfect for people looking at stuff on their phones or for those who don't have a lot of time.

Make sure to include text for any pictures you use so people who can't see them well can still understand. Keep things simple without adding too much extra stuff that makes it hard to read.

In short, list posts are a quick way to give people information. They're best for when you want to share something fast or when your readers just need the highlights.

6. Case Studies

Engagement Level

Case studies are really good at drawing people in, especially if they talk about something your audience cares about. They tell a story about how someone used your product or service to fix a problem. Make sure to include the customer's situation, what you did to help, and what happened as a result. Adding what the customer said makes it feel more real. A well-told case study keeps people reading till the end.

Production Cost

Making case studies takes a lot of work at first but can be really valuable later on. You need real stories from customers and the details about them. Writing their stories and finding data to back it up also takes time. You might spend $500-1500 to create a detailed written case study. Adding your own photos, videos, or special graphics will cost more. Remember, you'll also need to spend some money on sharing the case studies and keeping them up to date.

SEO Value

Case studies can help with SEO if you use the right keywords in titles, subtitles, and the start of the case study. Link back to them from other parts of your site using those keywords. Include specific data that search engines can pick up. But, on their own, case studies might not rank as high as other main content on your site. They're really good at bringing in people who are more likely to become customers, though.

User Accessibility

Make sure case studies are easy to read. Use lots of space, clear subtitles, and pictures to highlight important points. Keep the writing straightforward but include all the necessary details. Make the main points clear for people who just skim through. For people with disabilities, have text versions for any audio or video and descriptions for pictures. Offering a PDF version to download is also a good idea. When you set up your case studies this way, most people will find them easy to get and understand.

Blog Posts vs. Videos

When we look at blog posts and videos, we see they both have their own ways of getting people interested and visiting your site. Here's a quick breakdown:

Engagement Level

  • Blog posts are great because people can quickly find what they're interested in and share it with others. They're like reading a good book that you can't wait to talk about.
  • Videos catch your eye because they move and show things in action. They're like watching a mini-movie that's fun and easy to share with friends.

Production Cost

  • Writing a blog post is pretty cheap. You just need to spend some time writing and maybe buy a few pictures.
  • Making a good video can cost a lot. You might need cameras, people to help, and fancy computer programs. Prices can go from a little to a lot, really fast.

SEO Value

  • Blog posts are awesome for SEO, which means they help people find you on Google. You can use special words that make your posts show up in searches.
  • Videos can also be made SEO-friendly with the right titles and words, but usually, blog posts do a better job at showing up in search results.

User Accessibility

  • Blog posts are easy for everyone to read and work on all devices. They're also good for people who need extra help, like screen readers.
  • Videos might not work well for everyone, especially if their internet is slow or if they learn better by reading. Adding words to the video like captions can help.

So, blog posts give you lots of info in a way that's easy to get to, while videos are more about being fun and easy to share. The best plan is to use both, so you can give people what they like best and help them at different times in their journey to buy something.

Infographics vs. How-To Guides

When we look at infographics and how-to guides, we see two different ways to share info on your website. Let's break down how they stack up against each other:

Engagement Level

Infographics are kind of like eye candy. They look good and are easy to check out quickly. People like to share them on places like Facebook or Twitter. But, they might not keep people coming back for more or make them want to do something after looking at them.

How-to guides, on the other hand, are like a helping hand when you're stuck. If someone needs to know how to do something, they'll stick around and read a guide. They might even bookmark it to come back later.

Production Cost

Making a fancy infographic with cool pictures can cost you a bit, from $200 to $800. If you want something really special, it could go over $2000.

Simple how-to guides that use text and some common pictures don't cost much. If you decide to add your own drawings or special images, you might spend $200 to $500 or even more.

SEO Value

Infographics can do okay in search results if you make sure to use keywords and links right. But, search engines usually like text more, so articles often rank better.

How-to guides are great for SEO. Search engines love long, detailed articles that answer specific questions. Guides that do this can really help your site show up in searches.

User Accessibility

Infographics are super easy for most people to get. They turn big ideas into simple pictures. But, you should also provide a text version for those who can't see the images well.

How-to guides are also pretty user-friendly, especially if they're well-organized with pictures or videos to help explain things. Making them available as downloadable PDFs can also help people access them anytime.

In short, infographics are good for quick, visual information, while how-to guides offer deeper dives into topics. Using both can help you reach more people in different ways.

When to Use Each Content Type

Use infographics for:

  • Introducing new ideas in a fun way
  • Showing off data with cool visuals
  • Getting more likes and shares online

Go for how-to guides when:

  • You're teaching how to do something step by step
  • You want to really dig into a topic
  • You're aiming to get noticed by search engines

Best Practices

For infographics:

  • Keep it simple and clear
  • Pick colors and pictures that stand out
  • Share them on social media to reach more people

For how-to guides:

  • Lay out steps clearly
  • Use easy-to-understand words
  • Make sure to use keywords for SEO

By knowing when to use infographics or how-to guides, you can better match your content to what your audience needs and help your site do better online.


List Posts vs. Case Studies

List posts and case studies are two types of content that do different things. Let's look at how they stack up.

Feature List Posts Case Studies
Engagement Level High. Quick to look at and share. Medium. Tells a story with details.
Production Cost Low. Mostly just writing. Medium. Needs stories and facts.
SEO Value High. Keywords help it show up in searches. High. Using keywords in the right places helps too.
User Accessibility Easy. Anyone can read them. Medium. Need to make it easy for everyone.

How They Compare

List posts are easy to read and share because they're simple. But they don't go deep into topics.

Case studies give you the full picture with real-life examples. But they take more work to make.

When to Use Each One

Use list posts to:

  • Share quick tips
  • Talk about top features
  • Explain simple ideas

Use case studies to:

  • Show how your stuff works in real life
  • Share stories from happy customers
  • Build trust

Best Practices

For list posts, make them easy to skim. Use bullets, numbers, and pictures to break up the text.

For case studies, focus on the story. Use quotes, facts, and pictures or videos to make it interesting. Keep it well-organized.

In short, both list posts and case studies can get people interested if you use them right. Pick the one that fits what you're trying to do. Make sure they're easy for everyone to get.

Key Takeaways

Let's wrap up what we've learned about the best kinds of content to get more people to visit your website, based on what you're trying to do:

If you want lots of people to interact and share your stuff:

  • Videos are super popular. They're fun to watch and easy to share with friends. But remember, they can cost a lot to make.
  • Infographics use cool pictures to catch your eye and are also really shareable. The downside is they're not as detailed or easy for everyone to use as writing is.

If you're aiming to show up in search results (SEO):

  • Blog posts are your best bet. You can use specific words that people search for to help your website get noticed.
  • How-to guides are also great for SEO because they're long and full of those helpful search words. Plus, they attract people who are looking for how to do something.

If you want to help people decide to buy your product or service:

  • Case studies show off how your product has helped others. This can convince someone to buy from you.
  • Webinars are like online classes that answer questions and help people understand why your product is great. They're really good for getting people interested in what you're selling.

If you want everyone to be able to use your content:

  • Blog posts are easy for everyone to read and work well on any device.
  • How-to guides are also good for everyone, especially if you make them easy to read and offer them as downloads.

In short, mix different kinds of content to match what you're trying to do. Videos and pictures get attention, while blog posts and guides give more detail. Webinars and stories about customers help sell your product. Always think about making your content easy for everyone to use. Try out different things to see what works best.


When you want more people to visit your website, it's smart to have different kinds of stuff to read and watch. Each type of content does something special and talks to different people. Trying out a mix of videos, blog posts, pictures that tell a story (infographics), how-to guides, real success stories (case studies), and more can help you find out what your visitors like the most.

Here are some simple points to remember:

  • Videos grab attention and are fun to share, but they can cost a lot to make. Use them to show off what you're selling, share stories, and build your brand.
  • Blog posts don't cost much to make and are great for getting noticed by search engines like Google. Keep your blog fresh with new posts to teach, inform, and pull in more visitors.
  • Infographics make complicated info easy to understand with cool visuals. They're great for catching eyes on social media but don't do much for search engine rankings.
  • How-to guides are good for teaching something step by step. They're also great for search engines and can help turn visitors into buyers.
  • Case studies show off how real customers are happy with what you offer. Sharing these stories can help convince others to buy from you.
  • Webinars are online classes where you can talk and teach live. Use them to gather new leads and teach about your products.
  • List posts break down ideas into easy-to-read points. They're good for highlighting the main benefits and features.

The best plan is to match your content to each step of the buyer's journey. For example:

  • Use fun and shareable content like videos, infographics, and list posts to draw in new visitors.
  • Use informative content like blog posts, guides, and webinars to turn those visitors into leads.
  • Use trust-building content like case studies and expert talks to turn leads into customers.

Keep trying new types of content and see how they do. Stick with what works best for your audience and stop using what doesn't. A smart mix of content will help get more people to your site, bring in more leads, and increase sales over time.

What type of content is most popular?

Videos are the top choice when it comes to what people like to watch online. Here's a quick look at what kinds of videos people enjoy:

  • 49.7% enjoy music videos
  • 35.3% like watching funny or viral clips
  • 27.7% tune into live streams

So, if you want to catch people's attention, making videos, especially ones that are fun and quick to watch, is a smart move.

How do you drive traffic with content?

To get more people to visit your website using content, try these steps:

  • Think up new ideas for blog posts often
  • Make sure your content uses keywords so people can find it through search
  • Focus on creating good content rather than a lot of it
  • Plan your posts with a calendar to keep track
  • Include advice from experts in your field
  • Keep your message the same across all types of content
  • Add videos and podcasts to mix things up

In short, if you plan your content well and make it useful and easy to find, you'll likely see more visitors over time.

What content are people most interested in?

About half of the people say they remember and enjoy funny content the most. Humor gets noticed and shared more on social media. People also like quick-to-understand infographics, videos, and surprising facts.

In general, content that's easy to get into, share, and makes an emotional impact does really well.

What kind of content do people engage with?

Videos and visuals like infographics are big hits because they grab attention and are easy to understand. Here's why:

  • Videos show and tell stories, making them more interesting than just text.
  • Infographics break down tough topics with visuals and are shared way more than articles.

So, if you're looking for lots of engagement, focus on videos and visuals. Adding in detailed blog posts and guides can provide more information and value.

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