How to Increase Website Organic Traffic: SEO Basics

published on 20 December 2023

Looking to boost your website's traffic without spending a dime on ads? You're in the right place. Here's a straightforward breakdown of what you need to know to increase your website traffic organically through tried and tested SEO basics:

  • Understand Organic Traffic: It's free and comes from search engines based on how well your site matches search queries.
  • Keyword Research: Start with finding the right words people use in searches related to what you offer.
  • On-Page Optimization: Make your site's titles, descriptions, and content clear and relevant to your keywords.
  • Create Quality Content: Produce useful, shareable content that answers your audience's questions.
  • Promote Your Content: Use social media, email, and outreach to get your content in front of more eyes.
  • Monitor Your Progress: Use tools like Google Analytics to track how well your SEO efforts are working.

These steps are your blueprint to attracting more visitors who are genuinely interested in what you have to offer, leading to better engagement and potentially more customers.


What is Organic Traffic?

Organic traffic is when people find your website by searching for something on Google or other search engines without you having to pay for ads. If your website shows up in these search results and someone clicks on it, that's organic traffic. It's different from other ways people might find your site, like:

  • Direct traffic: When someone types your website address right into their browser.
  • Referral traffic: When someone clicks on a link to your site from another site.
  • Social traffic: When people come to your site from social media, whether through posts you didn't pay for or ads.
  • Paid search traffic: When people click on ads you've paid for that show up in search results.

Why Increase Organic Traffic?

Boosting your site's organic traffic is a smart move because:

  • It's targeted: The people who find your site were looking for something specific, which means they're more likely to be interested in what you offer.
  • It makes your site look good: If your site comes up often in searches, people start to see it as a go-to place for reliable info.
  • It saves money: Unlike paying for ads, getting organic traffic doesn't cost you each time someone visits your site. You mostly need to spend time and effort on making your site better and creating good content.
  • It's a growing opportunity: More and more people use search engines every year. With a good plan for getting your site to show up in search results (SEO strategy), you can attract more of these searchers to your site.

Getting more organic traffic is great for getting more people who are actually interested in what you have to offer, which can help your business grow.

Conduct Keyword Research

Finding the right words to use on your website is super important if you want people to find you through Google. Here's how to pick the best words:

Identify Seed Keywords

Think about the main things you're offering or talking about on your site. Use tools like Google's Keyword Planner to get ideas for words related to your business. These are your starting points.

Some quick tips:

  • List words that describe what you sell or talk about
  • See what words your competitors use
  • Look for common words in your field

Expand Keyword List with Long-Tail Variations

Long-tail keywords are longer phrases that are very specific, like "how to make organic coffee". They might not be searched a lot, but they're easier to rank for because there's less competition.

How to find these:

  • Add words like "how to," "best," or "top"
  • Mention places if it's relevant
  • Turn simple words into questions

Evaluate Search Intent for Each Keyword

Think about why someone would search for these words. This helps you create content that gives them what they're looking for.

Main reasons people search:

  • Informational: They want to learn something
  • Transactional: They're ready to buy or sign up
  • Navigational: They want to go to a specific site
  • Commercial: They're looking at different things to buy

Make sure your content fits what they're searching for.

Filter By Keyword Difficulty

Look at how hard it will be to rank for your keywords. You want words that a lot of people search for, but not too many other sites are trying to rank for.

Aim for words that have:

  • A good number of people searching for them
  • A difficulty score under 30
  • Not too much competition

Doing good keyword research means finding the right words that fit what you're talking about and what people are looking for. This is the start of a great plan for your site.

Optimize On-Page Elements

These steps help make your content user-friendly and clear to search engines about what your page discusses.

Craft Descriptive Yet Concise Title Tags

Your page titles should clearly tell what the content is about and make people want to click. Here's how:

  • Aim for titles no longer than 60 characters
  • Put your main keyword early in the title
  • Make sure it sums up the page content
  • Use a different title for each page

For instance, a solid title could be "How to Get More Visitors with Basic SEO".

Write Effective Meta Descriptions

Meta descriptions give a brief overview of your page in about 155-160 characters and show up under your title in search results. Keep these tips in mind:

  • Clearly outline what the page talks about
  • Use keywords smoothly
  • Make it interesting so people want to click

An example could be: "Discover simple SEO techniques to boost your website's visitors from search engines."

Structure Content with Headings

Use H2 and H3 headings to break up your text. This makes it easier for readers and search engines to get the gist. Why it's good:

  • Points out key topics
  • Helps people find what they need quickly
  • Organizes your content for search engines

For example, H2 headings might be "Keyword Research Steps" and "Making Your Page Easy for Google to Read".

Enhance Visuals with ALT Text

Since search engines can't see images, describe them with alt text. Here are some pointers:

  • Briefly explain what the image shows
  • Use related keywords if you can
  • Think about people who can't see the image

Alt text for a keyword research chart might be "chart explaining how to find and choose keywords based on data."

Create Linkable Assets

Making content that's so good people want to share it is a smart way to get more links to your site. Here's how to make stuff that grabs attention.

Start by checking out what kind of content gets the most links on other websites similar to yours. Ask yourself:

  • Length - Are the popular articles long and detailed or short and sweet?
  • Format - Do videos or pictures seem to get more shares?
  • Topics - What subjects are getting the most links?

Looking at what works for others can give you great ideas.

Develop Detailed, In-Depth Guides

Making a guide that covers everything about a topic can really draw people in. Make sure to:

  • Explain the important stuff clearly
  • Give step-by-step guides when you can
  • Use real-life examples to make your points
  • Talk about what experts say and what research shows

Your goal is to make a go-to resource that people come back to.

Answer Common Questions in FAQs

Answering frequently asked questions is another way to create useful content. Here's how to do it right:

  • Find out what questions people are asking using keyword research
  • Group similar questions together
  • Give straightforward, helpful answers
  • Add pictures or videos if they make the answer clearer

A well-done FAQ section helps people find what they need quickly.

Publish Lists and Comparisons

People love lists and comparison articles because they help them make choices. You could make:

  • A list of the top 10 things in a certain category
  • Different ways to do something
  • A side-by-side look at two popular choices

Remember to keep your lists up-to-date.

The trick is to see what's missing in your industry, then create something even better. Share your work, and you'll start seeing more links coming your way.


Promote Your Content

Getting your content out there is key to bringing in more visitors. Here's how to do it simply:

Post on Social Media Channels

  • Put your articles, videos, and other stuff on social sites like:
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • Reddit
  • Write short, interesting captions to grab attention.
  • Use hashtags so people interested in your topic can find your posts.
  • Add pictures or short videos to make your posts stand out.

Send to Email Subscribers

  • Tell people who've signed up for your emails about new stuff you've put up.
  • Make sure you're sending it to folks who really want to see it.
  • Give them a peek with a picture, a little bit of text, and a link to read more.
  • Look for other websites that talk about the same things as you.
  • Nicely ask if they can link to your article when it fits.
  • Suggest what words they could use to link to you.
  • Offer to link back to their site from your articles too.

Guest Blog on Niche Websites

  • Find other blogs that let people guest post.
  • Offer them article ideas that their readers would like.
  • Try to get a link back to your site in your author info.
  • See if they can share your guest post on their social media too.

Putting your content in different places online helps more people see it. Use social media, emails, asking for links, and writing for other blogs to spread the word.

Track and Monitor Results

Set Up Google Analytics Goals

To see if your website is getting more visitors, start by setting goals in Google Analytics:

  • Go to the Admin section and click on Goals
  • Make a goal to increase the number of people visiting your website by 15% every month
  • Set another goal to keep visitors on your site for at least 2 minutes
  • Aim to get more people to do what you want on your site, like signing up or buying something, by 5%

Watching these numbers over time helps you see if your hard work on SEO is making a difference.

Connect Google Search Console

Google Search Console helps you see:

  • How many people see your site in search results
  • How many click on your site from those results
  • Which keywords and pages are most popular

To set it up:

  • Go to Search Console and add your site
  • Prove you own the site with DNS or an HTML file
  • Look at the Performance report for data

Check this every week to notice any big changes.

Analyze Traffic by Source

Look at where your visitors are coming from in Google Analytics:

  • Direct - They typed your website address themselves
  • Organic - They found you through a search engine
  • Referral - They clicked on a link from another site

If you see more visitors coming from search engines after you've worked on SEO, you're on the right track.

Audit Site's SEO Health

SEMrush's SEO Writing Assistant tool helps check your site for things like:

  • How well you're using keywords
  • If your site is easy to read
  • If you're using HTML tags right
  • How many links you have inside your site
  • How fast your pages load

This tool points out what you need to fix and where you can do better. Look at this every month and tackle the biggest issues first.

Keeping an eye on these things helps you understand what's working to bring more people to your site. Use the data to focus on strategies that are effective.


Getting more people to visit your website naturally takes time and effort, but it's worth it because it brings in visitors who are really interested in what you have. Here's a simple breakdown of what we've talked about:

  • Conduct keyword research to find the right words people use when they're looking for something you offer. Look for words that lots of people are searching for, but not many websites are using. This helps you find the best opportunities.
  • Optimize on-page elements like the page titles, short descriptions (meta descriptions), headings, and picture descriptions (alt text). These help search engines understand what your page is about and show it to the right people.
  • Create linkable assets like detailed guides, FAQs, lists, and comparisons. These are pieces of content that are so useful, other websites want to link to them. This helps more people find your site.
  • Promote content by sharing it on social media and emailing it to your subscribers. Also, try to get other websites to link to your content by reaching out to them.
  • Track and monitor analytics to see how well your efforts are working. Use tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console to see how many people are visiting your site and how they're finding it.

Building up your website's natural traffic doesn't happen overnight. It's about consistently applying these basic SEO strategies, keeping an eye on your progress, and adjusting your approach based on what's working. Stick with it, and you'll start to see more and more people coming to your site.

How can I increase my organic traffic SEO?

Here are 8 simple ways to get more people to visit your site through SEO:

  • Pick long-tail keywords. These are very specific phrases that are easier to rank for.
  • Work with popular bloggers and YouTubers to share your content.
  • Make sure your page titles, meta descriptions, and headings are on point.
  • Find old content that isn’t doing well and make it better or get rid of it.
  • Write articles for other websites and include links back to your site.
  • Make and share videos, and make sure they’re set up right for YouTube.
  • Share your top content on social media.
  • Answer questions in Google's "People Also Ask" section.

How do I get more traffic to my website with SEO?

Here are 8 ways to bring more visitors to your site with SEO:

  • Group related pages together to cover a topic fully.
  • Use specific, targeted keywords.
  • Update and improve your existing content.
  • Make your content ready for Google snippets.
  • Speed up your site and get your URLs in order.
  • Link your pages together in a smart way.
  • Share your content on other websites.
  • Write great content that naturally attracts visitors.

How do you grow organic SEO?

Here are 8 tips to climb up the search rankings:

  • See where you currently rank in searches.
  • Make a list of keywords you want to target.
  • Focus on making pages for people first, search engines second.
  • Write engaging and high-quality content.
  • Create main pages that aim to rank for specific terms.
  • Use your main keywords in your page titles.
  • Write meta descriptions that make people want to click.
  • Describe your images with ALT tags correctly.

How do you organically drive traffic to a website?

Here are 8 ways to naturally get more visitors:

  • Focus on creating quality content.
  • Become known as an expert on your topic.
  • Use social media to reach more people.
  • Check how well your website and SEO are doing.
  • Collaborate with influencers.
  • Build an email list of people interested in your site.
  • Get involved in online communities related to what you do.
  • Stick to the best practices for on-page SEO.

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