Keyword Research Using AI Tools: A Guide

published on 25 February 2024

Looking to boost your website's visibility on Google? Keyword Research Using AI Tools: A Guide simplifies the complex world of SEO into actionable insights. Discover how AI can streamline your keyword research, making it faster, more accurate, and incredibly efficient. From understanding key concepts like search volume and keyword difficulty to picking the best AI tool for your needs, this guide covers everything. Dive into the future of AI in keyword research and learn how to integrate these insights into your content strategy for maximum impact.

  • Quick Keyword Research Basics:
  • Head terms and long-tail keywords
  • Importance of search volume, keyword difficulty, and CPC
  • AI vs. Old-School Research: How AI saves time and enhances analysis
  • Choosing the Best AI Tool: Features to look for and top recommendations
  • Conducting Research with AI: Steps to generate and analyze keyword ideas
  • Overcoming Challenges: Tips for dealing with data bias and keeping up with updates
  • The Future of AI in Keyword Research: Integration with SEO, alternative inputs, and personalized recommendations

This guide is your roadmap to using AI for keyword research, helping you find the right words to connect with your audience and grow your website.

Getting to Know Keyword Research

What You Need to Know

Let's break down some important stuff about finding the right words for your website:

  • Head terms: These are the big, general words or short phrases like "shoes" or "hotel booking". Lots of people search for these.
  • Long-tail keywords: These are longer phrases like "comfortable walking shoes" or "best hotels in Los Angeles". They're more specific and help you reach exactly the right people.
  • Search volume: This tells you how many times a month people search for a certain word. It's good for figuring out if a word is popular.
  • Keyword difficulty: This is a score that shows how tough it might be to show up in search results for a certain word. A lower score means it's easier.
  • CPC: This stands for cost-per-click. It's what advertisers pay when someone clicks on their ad. A higher CPC means people really want to buy stuff related to that word.

AI tools can look at all these things quickly to help you pick the best words for your website. They can also show you trends over time.

Old-School vs. AI Research

In the past, finding the right words meant looking at each one by hand to see how popular or competitive it was. It took forever.

Now, with AI, you can check out millions of words in no time. AI can tell you which words might bring more visitors to your site.

Here's how AI makes things better:

  • Analysis scale: AI can look at way more words and data than a person can.
  • Time savings: AI does in seconds what used to take hours.
  • Finding opportunities: AI shows you the best words to focus on based on data.
  • Watching trends: AI tools can look at past data to guess which words will be popular in the future.

In short, AI lets you do better research, faster. You can spend more time planning your SEO strategy and less time digging through data.

Benefits of AI Tools for Keyword Research

Time Savings

AI tools can look through a lot more information way faster than if we did it by hand. This means you can get smart about what words to use on your website really quickly, without wasting days trying to figure it out yourself. This saves a bunch of time, letting you try out different words and ways to make your website better without all the guesswork.

Things you save time on include:

  • Checking out what your competitors are up to almost instantly
  • Finding new words to use that you might not have thought of
  • Trying out different combinations of words to see what works best
  • Getting your website's words and content better faster

This means you can spend more time thinking about your big plan for getting noticed on Google and less time on the boring stuff.

Enhanced Analysis

AI tools can do some pretty smart analysis that we just can't do on our own:

  • Looking at what words have been popular and guessing which ones will be big in the future
  • Finding specific, niche words that really target what people are looking for
  • Seeing what words people use on different websites and platforms, like YouTube or Amazon
  • Checking out a lot of websites to find where you can do better

This deep dive helps you keep making your website better so more people can find it.

Competitive Intelligence

AI gives you a sneak peek into what your competitors are doing:

  • Seeing which words and pages are working well for them
  • Comparing your words to theirs to spot any missed opportunities
  • Understanding their content strategy to make yours even better
  • Keeping an eye on any new words they start using

This info helps you choose the right words and create content that stands out from the crowd.

Choosing the Best AI Tool for Finding Keywords

Tool What It Does Cost
Semrush Helps with keyword difficulty, search volume, CPC data; checks other sites' links; SEO check-ups $99 - $399/month
Ahrefs Finds keywords; keeps track of rankings; SEO check-ups; looks at what competitors are doing $99 - $999/month
Google Keyword Planner Gives keyword ideas; shows how often words are searched; works well with other Google tools Free with Google Ads account

What to Look For

When picking an AI tool for keyword research, think about these things:

Is the Data Right?

Make sure the tool gives you real numbers from search engines. Google Keyword Planner is good because it uses real Google data.

How Much Info Do You Get?

Choose tools that tell you more than just what words to use. Things like how tough the competition is, how much ads cost, and trends are also important.

Easy to Use?

The tool should be simple to navigate. You should be able to do searches, look at results, and understand what you see without any hassle.

Help When You Need It

Make sure you can get help easily if you have questions. Try reaching out to see how fast they respond.

Works With Your Other Tools?

If you're using other software for things like looking at your website data or managing your site, check if this tool can work with them smoothly.

Your Budget

Prices can go from free (like Google Keyword Planner) to really expensive. Figure out how much you can spend and try some tools to see if they're worth it.

Picking the right tool means looking at what you need and what you can spend. Trying them out for free first can help you decide without spending money right away.

Conducting Keyword Research with AI

Generating Keyword Ideas

When you're using AI to find the right words for your website, here's how to start:

  • Think of a few basic keywords that match what you're talking about. Pop them into the AI tool, and it will show you related keywords.
  • Look at these suggestions and organize them into groups or topics. Keep an eye out for longer phrases that are more specific.
  • Use filters like how often people search for these words, how hard it is to rank for them, and other details to pick the best ones.
  • Save your final list to help plan what you'll write about.

Analyzing Keyword Metrics

After picking some keywords, you need to check their details to make the best choices:

  • Search volume shows how many people are looking for this word. Go for keywords that enough people are searching for.
  • Keyword difficulty tells you how tough the competition is. Pick words where you've got a good shot at showing up in search results.
  • CPC (cost per click) can clue you in on how valuable a keyword might be. A higher CPC means people are likely willing to spend money on this topic.

Use AI tools to sort through these details quickly, so you end up with a list of words that fit your goals.

Incorporating into Content Strategy

Now, put those keywords to work in your content:

  • Add your main keywords to important spots like titles, descriptions, headers, and photo descriptions. Try to use them in your articles where they make sense without forcing it.
  • Make new pages or blog posts focused on these keywords.
  • Update old posts to include your new keywords.
  • Keep your keyword use natural, aiming for 1-3% of your text to be your target words.

Track how well your content does with these keywords and adjust as needed. Keep using AI to find new keywords that could bring more people to your site.


Overcoming Challenges with AI Keyword Tools

Data Bias

Sometimes, AI tools for keyword research can get things wrong because they use a lot of data that might have mistakes or be a bit biased. Here's how to make sure you're getting the good stuff:

  • Double-check the keywords: It's a good idea to look over the keywords the AI suggests to make sure they make sense for your website.
  • Use more than one tool: Different tools might give you different ideas. If they don't match up, it's worth taking a closer look to see why.
  • Tweak the settings: You can often change settings like location or language to better match who you're trying to reach. This can help get rid of keywords that don't fit.
  • Give the tool more info: If you can, tell the tool more about what you're looking for. The better it understands, the better its suggestions will be.
  • Check for fresh data: Make sure the tool is using the latest search info to give you suggestions. Old data might not be very helpful.

Keeping Up with Updates

Search engines like Google change how they pick the top search results all the time. Here's how to stay on top of things:

  • Follow search engine news: Google and others often share updates. Keeping an eye on these can help you understand what's new.
  • Watch your website's numbers: Use tools like Google Analytics to see how your keywords are doing. If they start doing worse, it might be because of an update.
  • Stay in the know about AI: Since AI tools are always getting better, learning about new features can help you do better keyword research.
  • Update your tool's knowledge: If your tool learns from your website, make sure to feed it new content regularly. This keeps it up to date with your latest stuff.
  • Try out new tool features: When there's a new version of your tool or it gets new abilities, give them a go. This could make your keyword searching even better.

Staying current with these changes needs a bit of effort but is key to making sure people can find your website easily.

Future of AI in Keyword Research

AI tools for keyword research have already changed the game big time. But there's still a lot more they can do. As AI gets smarter, here's what we might see happening:

Integration with Other SEO Techniques

AI isn't just about picking the right words. It can do a lot more for your website. Soon, AI could help with:

  • Figuring out which links might be hurting your site
  • Checking out what's working well for your competitors
  • Making sure your pictures and videos help your site show up in searches
  • Organizing your site better so people are more likely to buy something

Bringing all these bits together, AI could make managing your site's SEO a whole lot easier.

Alternative Inputs Beyond Text

Right now, AI mostly deals with words. But with more people using voice search or looking things up with pictures, AI might start understanding:

  • Spoken questions
  • Images
  • Videos

This means AI could give tips on making your site better for people who search in these ways, not just with words.

More Personalized, Intent-Based Recommendations

AI is getting better at understanding what we really mean when we search for something. So, we might get keyword ideas that are:

  • Just right for how your brand talks
  • Based on what people are actually looking for, like answers to questions or where to buy something
  • Perfect for where someone is in deciding to buy something

This could help make your content exactly what your target audience is looking for.

Tighter Integration with Analytics

Keeping an eye on how your keywords are doing is key. Future tools could give you:

  • Updates right away on how your keywords are ranking
  • The ability to track keywords on different platforms like YouTube or Amazon
  • Comparisons between different keywords or websites
  • Reports and alerts made just for you

With better tracking, you can tweak your keywords and content faster to get more people to your site.

While AI has already made finding the right keywords a lot easier, it's still getting better. Soon, AI might be able to handle most of the SEO work, making your site shine with less effort from you.


Using AI for finding the right words for your website makes things a lot easier. It's like having a super-smart helper that can look at tons of information quickly, guess what people will search for next, and suggest how to make your website better.

Here's a simple breakdown of why AI is so helpful:

  • Saves time and effort: AI can look at so much information at once and find the best words that match what your audience is looking for. This means you don't have to spend hours doing it yourself.
  • Predicts what's next: AI is smart enough to guess which words people will search for in the future. This helps you stay ahead and keep your website relevant.
  • Makes your content better: AI checks out your website and tells you how you can improve it to draw more visitors. It's like having a guide that helps you tweak your content to make it more appealing.
  • Finds hidden gems: AI can show you less obvious words (long-tail keywords) and ways to get more people to link to your website (backlink opportunities). These can really help your website get noticed more.
  • Keeps getting better: When you connect AI with tools that check how your website is doing (like Google Analytics), it keeps learning and getting better at helping you.

In short, using AI to find the right words for your website can make a big difference. It helps you find better words faster, understand what people are searching for, and improve your website in ways that attract more visitors. As AI keeps getting better, it will become even more useful for making sure people can find your website easily.

How to do keyword research with AI?

Using AI tools for keyword research can make your life a lot easier. Here's what they do:

  • Come up with keyword ideas based on your initial suggestions
  • Look at what people are searching for to find long, specific phrases worth targeting
  • Help you find related keywords using smart algorithms
  • Let you pick the best keywords by showing you how often they're searched and how tough the competition is
  • Guide you on how to use these keywords in your content to attract more visitors

This approach is quicker and digs up more useful keywords by analyzing a lot of data.

What is the best tool for keyword research?

Here are some top picks for keyword research tools:

  • Semrush - Offers detailed keywords and SEO insights
  • Ahrefs - Provides a wide range of keyword data
  • Soovle - A free tool for keyword search volume
  • Topic Researcher - Helps organize keywords into topics
  • Jaaxy - Good for finding specific, long phrases
  • Google Search Console - A free tool that shows what keywords bring people to your site

The right tool for you depends on your budget, what you need it for, and how well it works with other tools you're using.

Can you automate keyword research?

Yes, with tools like Supermetrics, you can automate keyword research by:

  • Gathering data from places like Google and social media
  • Analyzing important numbers like how often a keyword is searched and how competitive it is
  • Spotting the best keywords to use
  • Keeping your keyword list fresh and up-to-date

This method saves you from doing everything by hand and keeps your keywords in line with the latest trends.

What is a keyword in AI?

In the world of AI, a keyword is a word or phrase people use to search for things online. AI tools for keyword research analyze this search data to:

  • Find keywords that could bring a lot of visitors to your site
  • Figure out what people are really looking for when they search
  • Help you use the right keywords to draw in the right visitors
  • Show you which keywords your competitors are using so you can do better

By doing this, AI helps you get more people to visit your website by making sure it shows up in search results.

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