Core Web Vitals: Complete Guide 2024

published on 08 May 2024

Core Web Vitals are metrics used by Google to measure a website's user experience, focusing on loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability. Optimizing these metrics is crucial for providing a better user experience, improving search engine rankings, and increasing conversions.

The three Core Web Vitals metrics are:

Metric Description
Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) Measures how quickly the main content loads (target: under 2.5 seconds)
Interaction to Next Paint (INP) Evaluates page responsiveness to user input (target: under 100 milliseconds)
Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) Assesses visual stability by measuring unexpected layout shifts (target: under 0.1)

Key strategies for optimizing Core Web Vitals:

  • Load critical content first and optimize images/media for faster LCP

  • Implement code splitting and use web workers for improved INP

  • Reserve space for embeds/media and avoid layout shifts to minimize CLS

Google incorporates Core Web Vitals into its search ranking algorithm, rewarding websites that deliver a seamless user experience. Continuous monitoring and optimization of these metrics are essential for maintaining high search rankings and providing a user-friendly website.

Understanding Core Web Vitals

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

LCP measures how quickly the main content on a web page loads and becomes visible. An ideal LCP score is 2.5 seconds or less.

To achieve a good LCP score:

  • Compress images

  • Load critical resources first

  • Use lazy loading for non-essential content

A faster LCP means users can access the main content quickly, improving their experience.

Interaction to Next Paint (INP)

INP measures how responsive a web page is to user interactions like clicks or taps. An optimal INP score is 200 milliseconds or less.

To improve INP:

  • Optimize JavaScript execution

  • Minimize long tasks

  • Prioritize user interactions

Techniques like code splitting, worker threads, and requestIdleCallback can help reduce delays and ensure a smooth, responsive experience.

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

CLS measures unexpected layout shifts that can disrupt the user's experience, such as content moving around or elements appearing unexpectedly. A good CLS score is 0.1 or less.

To maintain layout stability:

  • Specify image dimensions

  • Avoid unnecessary layout changes

  • Reserve space for dynamic content like ads or embeds

A stable layout ensures users can consume content without frustrating shifts, leading to a better overall experience.

Measuring Core Web Vitals

Tracking Core Web Vitals is crucial for understanding your website's performance and identifying areas for improvement. Several tools are available to help you measure and analyze these metrics.

Google PageSpeed Insights

PageSpeed Insights

PageSpeed Insights analyzes your website's performance and provides recommendations for improving Core Web Vitals. It combines real-user data and lab data to give you a comprehensive view of your site's performance.

PageSpeed Insights generates a report with your website's scores for each Core Web Vital metric, along with opportunities and diagnostics to help you optimize these metrics. It offers tailored insights based on your website setup, making it easier to prioritize and address performance issues.

Google Search Console

Google Search Console

The Core Web Vitals report in Google Search Console allows you to track your website's performance over time, identify trends, and prioritize issues. It groups your URLs by their performance status (Poor, Needs Improvement, or Good) for each Core Web Vital metric.

This report is useful for monitoring your website's progress as you implement performance improvements. It helps you understand how your changes are impacting real-world user experiences and identify any remaining problem areas that need attention.

Real User Monitoring Tools

Real User Monitoring (RUM) tools measure the actual performance experienced by your website visitors. These tools collect data directly from user browsers, giving you a comprehensive view of how your website performs across different devices, network conditions, and user scenarios.

RUM data is crucial for identifying and addressing performance bottlenecks that may be impacting your users' experiences.

Chrome User Experience Report

Chrome User Experience Report

The Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX) provides anonymous performance data from actual users browsing your website. It offers insights into real-world user experiences, including Core Web Vitals metrics.

CrUX data is collected from a subset of Chrome users and is available as a monthly BigQuery dataset or a daily API. While CrUX data may not represent all of your website's visitors, it can be a useful complement to your own RUM data, allowing you to compare and validate your findings.


Making Your Website Faster and Smoother

Speeding Up Page Loading

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) measures how quickly the main content on a page loads. To improve LCP:

1. Load important content first

Identify the main content elements like images, videos, or text blocks. Load these first by preloading or inlining critical CSS and JavaScript.

2. Optimize images and media

Compress and resize images to reduce file size without losing quality. Use modern formats like WebP and AVIF, and lazy load off-screen images.

3. Use caching and a CDN

Cache static assets to serve them from the cache, reducing server load. Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to distribute content from servers closer to users.

4. Minimize render-blocking resources

Remove or defer non-critical JavaScript and CSS that block rendering. Minify and compress remaining resources.

5. Improve server response times

Upgrade hosting, enable compression, and minimize redirects to reduce server response times, which directly impact LCP.

Making Pages More Responsive

Interaction to Next Paint (INP) measures how responsive a page is to user interactions like clicks or taps. To improve INP:

1. Optimize JavaScript execution

Minimize JavaScript required for the initial page load. Break long tasks into smaller, asynchronous chunks using code splitting and web workers.

2. Defer non-critical JavaScript

Load non-critical JavaScript after the initial render using async or defer, or by inlining it at the end of the HTML.

3. Implement code splitting

Divide your application code into smaller, independent chunks that can be loaded on-demand, reducing the initial JavaScript payload.

4. Use web workers

Offload expensive computations to web workers, freeing up the main thread to respond to user interactions more quickly.

Preventing Layout Shifts

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) measures the visual stability of a page by quantifying unexpected layout shifts. To minimize CLS:

1. Reserve space for embeds and media

Specify the dimensions of images, videos, and iframes using width and height attributes, allowing the browser to reserve space before content loads.

2. Avoid layout shifts caused by fonts

Preload web fonts, use font-display, or host fonts locally to prevent layout shifts caused by font loading.

3. Avoid injecting content above existing content

Adding content above existing content can cause layout shifts. Instead, reserve space for dynamic content or load it below the fold.

4. Use CSS containment

Implement CSS containment (contain: strict or contain: content) to prevent layout shifts caused by elements outside the containing element.

5. Animate with caution

Ensure animations don't trigger layout shifts by using transform and opacity properties instead of animating properties that affect layout.

Core Web Vitals and SEO

Google's Search Algorithm

Google now includes Core Web Vitals as part of its search ranking system. These metrics measure key aspects of a website's user experience, like loading speed, responsiveness, and visual stability. Sites that perform well in Core Web Vitals are more likely to rank higher in search results, as Google aims to show the most user-friendly and high-performing web pages.

Balancing SEO and Web Vitals

While optimizing for Core Web Vitals is important for search rankings, it should be balanced with other SEO efforts. Content quality, keyword optimization, and overall site structure remain crucial factors in Google's algorithm. An effective SEO strategy should prioritize both technical performance (Core Web Vitals) and content relevance.

Here are some strategies for balancing SEO and Web Vitals:

  • Prioritize critical content: Load the most important content elements first, optimizing for Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) while maintaining semantic HTML structure and keyword optimization.

  • Lazy load non-critical resources: Defer loading of non-essential assets like images, videos, and scripts until needed, improving Interaction to Next Paint (INP) without sacrificing content quality.

  • Implement code splitting: Divide JavaScript into smaller, independent chunks that can be loaded on-demand, reducing the initial payload and improving Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) while retaining functionality.

  • Continuous monitoring and optimization: Regularly monitor Core Web Vitals and other SEO metrics, making incremental improvements to both technical performance and content optimization.

Staying Up-to-Date

Google's search algorithm is constantly evolving, and the importance of Core Web Vitals may change over time. It's crucial to stay informed about updates and adjustments to these metrics, as well as any new ranking factors introduced by Google.

Here are some strategies for staying up-to-date:

  • Follow authoritative sources: Subscribe to industry blogs, newsletters, and forums to stay informed about the latest developments in Core Web Vitals and SEO best practices.

  • Attend conferences and webinars: Participate in industry events and webinars hosted by experts and Google representatives to gain first-hand insights into upcoming changes and trends.

  • Leverage monitoring tools: Utilize tools like Google Search Console, PageSpeed Insights, and third-party monitoring services to track your website's performance and receive alerts about potential issues or updates.

  • Collaborate with experts: Work closely with experienced SEO professionals, developers, and performance experts to ensure your website remains compliant with the latest standards and best practices.


Core Web Vitals and Search Rankings

Core Web Vitals are now a key factor in Google's search rankings. These metrics measure a website's user experience, including:

  • Loading speed: How quickly the main content loads (Largest Contentful Paint)

  • Responsiveness: How smoothly the page responds to user interactions (Interaction to Next Paint)

  • Visual stability: How stable the layout is without unexpected shifts (Cumulative Layout Shift)

Websites that perform well in Core Web Vitals are more likely to rank higher in search results. Google aims to show the most user-friendly and high-performing web pages.

Balancing SEO and Performance

While optimizing for Core Web Vitals is crucial for search rankings, it should be balanced with other SEO efforts:

  • Content quality: Relevant, well-written content remains essential.

  • Keyword optimization: Strategically using target keywords is still important.

  • Site structure: A logical, easy-to-navigate website structure is key.

An effective SEO strategy should prioritize both technical performance (Core Web Vitals) and content relevance.

Balancing SEO and Web Vitals
Load critical content first, optimizing for Largest Contentful Paint while maintaining semantic HTML and keyword optimization.
Lazy load non-essential assets like images and scripts to improve Interaction to Next Paint without sacrificing content quality.
Implement code splitting to divide JavaScript into smaller chunks, reducing the initial payload and improving Cumulative Layout Shift while retaining functionality.
Continuously monitor Core Web Vitals and other SEO metrics, making incremental improvements to both technical performance and content optimization.

Staying Up-to-Date

Google's search algorithm is constantly evolving, and the importance of Core Web Vitals may change over time. It's crucial to stay informed about updates and adjustments to these metrics, as well as any new ranking factors introduced by Google.

Here's how to stay up-to-date:

1. Follow authoritative sources: Subscribe to industry blogs, newsletters, and forums.

2. Attend events and webinars: Participate in industry events and webinars hosted by experts and Google representatives.

3. Use monitoring tools: Utilize tools like Google Search Console, PageSpeed Insights, and third-party monitoring services.

4. Collaborate with experts: Work closely with experienced SEO professionals, developers, and performance experts.

Continuous Improvement

Optimizing for Core Web Vitals is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring, testing, and improvement. By prioritizing user experience and technical performance, you can future-proof your website and maintain a competitive edge in search engine optimization.


What are the 3 Core Web Vitals?

The 3 Core Web Vitals are:

  1. Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): Measures how quickly the main content on a page loads, aiming for under 2.5 seconds.

  2. Interaction to Next Paint (INP): Measures the delay between a user interaction (like clicking a link) and the browser's visual response, targeting under 100 milliseconds.

  3. Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): Measures the visual stability of a page by quantifying unexpected layout shifts, with a goal of under 0.1.

What are the benefits of optimizing Core Web Vitals?

Optimizing Core Web Vitals provides these key benefits:

  • Better user experience: Fast-loading, responsive, and visually stable pages enhance user satisfaction.

  • Higher search rankings: Google incorporates Core Web Vitals as a ranking factor, rewarding well-performing websites.

  • Increased conversions: Sites with good Core Web Vitals tend to have lower bounce rates and higher conversion rates.

  • Mobile-friendliness: Core Web Vitals are essential for delivering a smooth experience on mobile devices, aligning with Google's mobile-first indexing.

Which Core Web Vital directly impacts SEO?

All three Core Web Vitals metrics - LCP, INP, and CLS - directly impact search engine optimization (SEO) and rankings. However, Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) is often considered the most crucial for SEO, as it measures the perceived loading speed of a page's main content.

Google's search algorithm prioritizes websites that load quickly and provide a seamless user experience, making LCP a critical factor in determining search rankings. Optimizing LCP can lead to higher rankings, increased visibility, and improved organic traffic.

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